Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just a thought throughout today!

Well, after all of the hoopla over voting, Halloween over, friends having babies, Fall arriving, Thankgsgiving Break around the corner, Christmas shopping is near, and I finally finished a long time painting project, I can finally say that there's always gonna be more stuff around the corner coming up to FOG my thoughts.

Well, Bryan and I have more recently been on a journey spiritually, emotionally, and physically with new ideas, thoughts, and possibilitites of the future for our family. He and I both are the type to literally "up and go" if God says to with anything (if we don't our insides will eat us alive with conviction) and we're extremely spontanious though at times it is difficult and tiresome to act. I believe though that you have to because God didn't call us as believers to receive the gift from Jesus Christ and then, SIT. No, he called us to make NEW believers and that CANNOT require sitting!!!!! I've learned that you don't count on others to do the job, YOU get up and do it don't be lazy! Do it because you'll be completely transformed in your obedience and it matters to God in the 1st place. Go out of your way to bless the hearts of others and see how much God will go out of his way to bless you!

Love you guys!

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