Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On the hunt...

Hey guys! Well, we're now on the hunt for our home here in Florida. The inspection was completed on our Arkansas home yesterday so hoping to hear back today what came of that and hoping nothing does. lol!

We have several homes here in South Florida that are either a short sale, foreclosure, and of course for sale but most of all for rent. Floridians are still trying to recover from the housing market crisis and so we have found a completely depressed market here. You would think then that it would not be of any problems finding a house right? Wrong! I'm still getting use to the styles here which are very different in many ways from what we've built in the past and that doesn't even included the space, yard size, and just really exterior and interior overall. We'll find it or else it'll find us. Homes are lovely here, just 1100 miles of a difference that we're still getting use to, but nevertheless we are getting there. After all, this is our home....

What's also going on you ask?

I am co-leading a lifegroup along with our Campus Pastor's wife Deanna starting this Thur. We're beginning a 6 week study called Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst. There, we will dig into how we women "stuff, explode, or react somewhere in between during all circumstances. What do we do with those raw emotions?" I am so very excited to start this group with at least 50 women and can't wait to see what God has planned for these gals. Praying for new group leaders to come forward and begin their own lifegroup and create lasting relationships.

So, that's what's happening this week. Also, while people are experiencing a glimpse of Fall like temps, we here in South Florida are not though it is beautiful most of the time. 88 is our average temp. So, enjoy your crisp mornings and fantastical evenings sitting outside and have a terririfc week my friends! God is wanting to do something BIG in your life. Seek Him!

Love always

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