Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Well, I took the plunge...

I did it!!!! It's a BIG week in the Hill household. Bryan created one and I jumped on board as well..... This is sooooo exciting! Hopefully, you'll experience some laughs, some advice (sarcasm), some parenting questions, some homeschool info, some yummy recipes, and mostly seeing that I totally am SOLD OUT for CHRIST and pray that I show that by my words and actions! Please share with me on this new road to whatever is ahead! If it's God that's driving, FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!


  1. Im so proud of you, this is awsome, this will be the greatest blog ever, that trip I just took in cyberland was fun, learned a lot..big u..Aunt Jan

  2. Yes!!! I'm so proud of you...maybe ill let you write a chapter in my book one day : ) I love you!
