Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wow.....What a week!

Hey guys! So happy to create yet another blog for those imaginary people out there that I think are reading this.

Well.......This past week was a ROLLER COASTER of a week with schedules, homework, cooking, routines, birthday party gift purchasing, frustrating moments, sad times for a family member, SELLING BRYAN'S CAR????, figuring out how to get him to and from places until we get another car and so on........

To say all of that, I found myself thinking about how much JUNK that I either consumed my time with or is considered "real" stuff that I committed to do and found out that ALL of it was just that, STUFF! I realized that between all of that stuff, I forgot to read my bible for almost the whole week yet found myself praying more this week? Have you ever done that? Prayed often, yet forgets to get in the word? I Do!

My goal this week is to get in the word AND pray to the GOD that created the universe (hello, the FLIPPING UNIVERSE) and with all of that in mind cares deeply for me and wants to spend time with me! STUFF is sometimes a great thing unless that STUFF is enabling you from being with your creator. STOP...and pay more attention and worship the God that sent his son to pay for my sins on the cross. We must mean a lot to him and so we owe him everything! Can I give it to him this week??? I'm sure gonna try....

I hope you guys have terrific "GOD TIMES" this week.

*****The weather is so much cooler and so the new dishes are coming out in the kitchen. Try to cook up a new recipe this week for you and the family, play games, or watch a movie together......I've got some great recipes coming your way to share : ) If you've got some, don't hesitate to write one also!



  1. Great words...proud of you and love you! Here's to a God week!

  2. GREAT!! Blog, So very proud of you, cant wait for the recipes...Lve u, Aunt Jan

  3. Wow, This is awsome, and that was just what God ordered!! Thank you, Carol
