Monday, April 16, 2012

Routine's...or really a break?

Hey guys! I know, I'm a slacker for not blogging but I have decided to after all that has been going on since January. So, here goes.

Many of you now know what exciting times have been going on with the Hill family and if you don't know, you ought to join Bryan's blog because he's far better a writer and in remembering to blog/update than I am. He is an Associate Campus Pastor over LifeGroups/Missions with a wonderful, growing, all about leading people to Christ church called Check out the website. I love the hearts of these people there and I look forward in establishing relationships with each of them soon!

So, here is the very first Monday after B has moved to the sunny state of Florida and our new routine's have begun. I must say first that the first weekend has come and gone and w/o B around was busy (note: that was my goal all along) though I found myself in a state of moping around mostly and hoping to hide it from the girls and my peeps. I did pretty good in accomplishing that I believe. Meanwhile, the girls were super great! I'm sure lack of sleep/rest did that mostly though.

So, after reading my mom's text this morning, as she has done since he left, asking how we're doing and such, I told her about B and I getting to Skype for about 50 min last night. (Loving technology) I told her about how I jokingly showed B the curtain in our room which did not have the blanket at the top of it to hide out the street light which he did routinely, or his side of the bed not turned down, or that I now turn the alarm on, turn all Scentsies off, turn our fan on, close the doors from other light from the bathroom, tuck in our babies, preparing the house every weekend for our Open House and so on. Can you see where I'm going with this? Realizing to myself....Bryan's getting a break from these dang routine's that he's been helping/doing for years!!! Poor guy needed to drive all the way to South Florida to get that much needed break! He's calling it a job but we both know that's not all it is. haha

I know that I sound like a high maintenance woman, but I'm actually sharing with you what I found to be true and that is..... that I have a partner in life and when he's gone, though briefly, I get a little thrown off because of the things I wasn't use to doing alone. Which leads me to seeking scripture where God is constantly reminding us that we as believers in Christ are never alone. This wasn't anything new but now I see it so differently.

Jesus was very clear when telling his disciples this.

John 15:16

'You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.'

John 14:12

'Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.'

Man, that excites me like no other....I have the very same power that Christ has living in me through the Holy Spirit. I can and will learn how to accept the transitions during these short term "changes" in our lives. Jesus chose me, and for that, I am eternally grateful that he sought me and thought enough of me to love me unconditionally even through my whiny stages in life. I have a lot of work to do during this time so we begin in this new journey with me putting my "big girl panties on" and enjoying the ride of my life! I am not alone, ever, thank you Jesus! Though having Bryan as my partner in life, it is a gift to me, and having his help is extremely nice, we're all going to be just fine because God is in control not us.

I trust in you Jesus! Teach me what I need to learn and hear what you have to say so that I can bear fruit and will have lasting effects in Your name.

Sorry if I offended anyone with my "big girl panties" remark, but that's how I role....Maybe you too should use that term and live by it?


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